Online learning is a common term in today's world. Virtual classroom, blended learning, and live online learning are just a few of the many terms used to describe online learning. Today's focus is on virtual instructor-led training. Let's discuss the definition, highlight its key advantages, share tips for success, as well as how to choose a virtual training platform. What is virtual instructor-led training? Virtual instructor-led training, or VILT, is an interactive online training that's hosted by a virtual facilitator. The facilitator connects with remote participants via a video conference platform. This method allows learners to create and share learning experiences across distances and time. I will tell you a little secret. Virtual learning technology (VILT) is synonymous with many terms, such as live online learning, virtual classrooms, virtual learning, and virtual training. These terms may be used interchangeably. Instructor-led training (ILT), unlike VILT, i...