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Team Upskilling: Strategies and Benefits


Recent research has shown that team upskilling is more than just filling a skills gap in your team. Team Upskilling is a necessity for the development of your business and its future success. Team upskilling is now more than just a one size fits all solution.

You need new leaders if you want to scale your business. It is always wise to upskill your current employees in order to raise and find new leaders. You can train your leaders without hiring additional employees or investing in recruitment.

Team Upskilling is not only cost-effective, but also results in better hiring and higher productivity. This approach also leads to higher retention rates, more qualified hires and increased productivity. Employees tend to stay with companies who offer growth and development opportunities.

How can you learn to grow with your team? How can you ensure that all your efforts of team upskilling will be rewarded in the future. Find answers to these questions, and discover ways to upskill the team.

Why is Team Upskilling important?

According to a recent study, six out of ten job seekers lack the skills that employers look for. Finding the right talent is difficult, even when you are looking outside your organization for future leaders. Upskilling can sometimes be a combination of investing in new skills and also filling gaps.

Team Upskilling means acquiring relevant and new competencies for your current or future job. Team Upskilling is becoming more relevant for several reasons:

1. An aging workforce causes skill gaps

2. Rapid digitalization causes skill gaps

Udemy’s "Millennials at Work Report", states that 34% rely on employers to train and improve their skills. By taking an active approach to Team upskilling, you can ensure that your team is well-equipped for the future.

What is digital upskilling?

Everyone should be able today to learn, live and work in a digital world. Recent events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, have highlighted the disparity between employee skill sets and the skills needed to work efficiently in the digital age.

It appears that team upskilling is more than just teaching people how to use new gadgets. Digital upskilling involves teaching people to thrive and act in a digital world. Modernity requires a fluency in data and an understanding of current technological advances, which are leading industry trendsetters.

Developing a systematic approach to upskilling

There are many ways to improve the skills of your employees. Different methods and techniques can be used to achieve desired results depending on the company's goals and employee needs. It is important to ensure that the process of upskilling becomes a part of your company culture.

Follow these simple tips for a smooth and strategic team upskilling.

1. Team Upskilling is the goal

Identification of needs is probably the most important step in determining the success of a campaign. You should first determine the current level of skills and identify those that are missing.

The skill gap is the major obstacle to further scaling of a company. Before setting concrete goals, conduct a number of tests and learner needs analyses. They are essential for future learning and development strategies.

2. Train at your own pace

Team Upskilling should be done during productive hours to ensure its effectiveness. If you want learning and development to be part of the culture of your business, then upskilling is a must.

There are two options available in this regard:

1. Regularly allocate an entire workday to Team upskilling.

2. Give some time during the weekday

When employees stay late after work, it can be difficult to motivate them to attend training. To maintain a balance between work, learning and personal life, it is important to plan your time efficiently.

3. Encourage personal development plans

A personal development program is an important tool to map out your future growth. You know what skills your team members need to develop. It's important to speak with each employee individually.

A worker may be able to provide a better assessment of the current skill gap. Your desire to upgrade someone's skills is not sufficient. The initiative and enthusiasm of the person should be encouraged in all possible ways.

You can provide excellent support by letting your employees take charge of their own upskilling. Team Upskilling is best done with a personal development plan.

4. You can have a dedicated space for learning

It can be hard for employees in open offices to focus on training and find a place that is comfortable. This statement also applies to online and remote training sessions. It can be difficult to find a place that is quiet.

A dedicated training area, however small, as well as a library of training and self-development material encourages Team upskilling proactively.

5. Use personalized learning

The generalized approach to upskilling has a major disadvantage - it may appear beneficial for some employees while it is not for others. 58% of employees would rather learn at their own pace. It is only natural that everyone has different learning needs and capacities.

It's not possible to have a universal solution that works for everyone. Your employees can take courses and training pieces that are tailored to their specific needs. The upskilling program can also be customized based on the employee's previous performance and experience.

6. Encourage microlearning

Encourage microlearning by supporting small steps toward big goals. Don't overwhelm your employees with a lot of training materials or long sessions. Learning is easier when you consume small amounts of information at a given time.

Content in bite-sized pieces is easier to consume. Text or video pieces with a specific focus and clear learning outcomes are more digestible.

7. Offer financial support

While developing talent internally is an effective and efficient way to share knowledge with your employees, it will not bring any new skills to the company. You'll have to supplement the internal approach with external seminars and training.

You can offer these opportunities to your entire staff, but don't forget the personal touch. Encourage employees to use such methods by providing financial support. Supporting employees who want to learn and improve their skills is important.

8. Post-training Plan

The training or course for upskilling is only the first step in establishing a culture of learning. If new knowledge is not put into practice, it will be of little use. It is important to have a plan for how employees can apply their new knowledge in real-life scenarios. Contextual learning is always more valuable.

9. Create a culture of learning

To create a culture of learning, you must repeat the actions above many times. This will make them a system. After the training, allow your employees to digest the information, put it into practice, and reflect on its key points. Then, repeat the entire process.

When you create a culture of growth and development, learning becomes a continuous process. Upskilling is about a culture that reflects the spirit and productivity of your team.

Team Upskilling has many benefits

It's not enough to ensure your employees are equipped with the right skills. It is about the long-term perspective and development of your business. A recent TalentLMS study on Team upskilling or reskilling employees found that both employers and employees viewed upskilling as a positive experience. Many employees also see development opportunities as an advantage.

1. Focus on the benefits of upskilling that are most obvious and desirable due to global business trends.

2. Productivity can be improved

3. The goal is to make their team more productive in less time. It can be manual tasks, generating new ideas quickly and taking on challenging projects. Higher productivity and more efficient work lead to better results. This makes employees more involved in the process.

4. Confident team

5. A person who has a deep understanding of a subject and possesses the appropriate level of competence will always be more confident. Team Upskilling helps to understand one's abilities and capabilities.

6. Confident employees are brave enough to present their ideas and speak out in front of the public. Employees are proactive in finding solutions to more difficult situations.

The conclusion of the article is:

To get the best results, you need to implement a systematic approach and a strategic strategy when team upskilling. You also need to use standard team upskilling methodologies and tools to make your upskilling more engaging and efficient.

By taking a proactive approach, you can ensure that your employees are well-equipped to help you move forward in business. You will also have a committed and loyal workforce.


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